I'm officially 19 noW..
but stiLL, ice crEam's the onLy thing that boOsts my moOd =)
viva ice cream!!!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
aND having a vEry Laughable birthday!!!! ahahhahaahahhahahahahahahahahahaha i've been laughing all day!
might that be a clue that a very fun and comedic year lies ahead?? hope so!!
I'll list the silly things:
1. I got my fiRst birthday wish 1/2 jam sebelum my official birthday. -terimakasih untuk radit- yang memaksakan ucapan selamatnya gue terima berhubung dia mau udahan nelponnya karna what was it? ngantuk atau apa gtu..
2. Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama saya melewatkan detik" trakhir ulang tahun awake setelah a few years ahhaha biasanya i dont give a damn..ngantuk gilaaa. this one isn't really silly siyyy
3. Di hari ulang tahunku paGi" bertemu dengan aya dan manda dan tentunya chichi yang semua memberi selamat dan kecupan" hahaha. Lalu waktu lagi di kelas agama nih.. kan berdua sama chichi duduknya, lalu pada pukul 9:32 am sebuah sms dari manda masuk ke hp gw.... isinya:
chichi memerah..
4. Setelah itu chi" ga bilang apa" cuma abis kelas dia ngajakin gue ke parkiran untuk ambil fotokopian. Saat itu i didn't really think about the surprise anymore karena setau gue anak" yg lain masi pada di kelas. cuma bodohnya on the way ke parkiran gue liat aja gtu mereka lagi ngumpet di balik mobiL"... awalnya gue ga curiga cuma pas mereka liat gue kayak munduR" gtu. Pada Ngga nyadar gtu pantatnya pada kliatan
i prentended i didn't notice until they approaChed me with candLEs for me to blow. hehehhahahahah
5. After kuliah agama, gue cabut lalu berjalan" sama my sistas.. Indah fifi and karina sayang. Nonton soulmate dan ngetawain alexander wiguna yang actingnya oh god,,, so horrible. he practically ruined the whole movie. We admire the other actresses: rachel, dian sastro, marcellina and nirina. Karena mereka tahan ngga distracted by his acting! gilaaaa kita aja ngakak" di bioskop. And believe me, it wasn't just us, the other viewers too. =D maap maap aja nih lex..
might that be a clue that a very fun and comedic year lies ahead?? hope so!!
I'll list the silly things:
1. I got my fiRst birthday wish 1/2 jam sebelum my official birthday. -terimakasih untuk radit- yang memaksakan ucapan selamatnya gue terima berhubung dia mau udahan nelponnya karna what was it? ngantuk atau apa gtu..
2. Tahun ini adalah tahun pertama saya melewatkan detik" trakhir ulang tahun awake setelah a few years ahhaha biasanya i dont give a damn..ngantuk gilaaa. this one isn't really silly siyyy
3. Di hari ulang tahunku paGi" bertemu dengan aya dan manda dan tentunya chichi yang semua memberi selamat dan kecupan" hahaha. Lalu waktu lagi di kelas agama nih.. kan berdua sama chichi duduknya, lalu pada pukul 9:32 am sebuah sms dari manda masuk ke hp gw.... isinya:
ima, dmana? trus beli apa buat jinit??i showed the message to chi, and said, " jadi loe pada bikin suprise apa buat gue??"
chichi memerah..
4. Setelah itu chi" ga bilang apa" cuma abis kelas dia ngajakin gue ke parkiran untuk ambil fotokopian. Saat itu i didn't really think about the surprise anymore karena setau gue anak" yg lain masi pada di kelas. cuma bodohnya on the way ke parkiran gue liat aja gtu mereka lagi ngumpet di balik mobiL"... awalnya gue ga curiga cuma pas mereka liat gue kayak munduR" gtu. Pada Ngga nyadar gtu pantatnya pada kliatan
i prentended i didn't notice until they approaChed me with candLEs for me to blow. hehehhahahahah
5. After kuliah agama, gue cabut lalu berjalan" sama my sistas.. Indah fifi and karina sayang. Nonton soulmate dan ngetawain alexander wiguna yang actingnya oh god,,, so horrible. he practically ruined the whole movie. We admire the other actresses: rachel, dian sastro, marcellina and nirina. Karena mereka tahan ngga distracted by his acting! gilaaaa kita aja ngakak" di bioskop. And believe me, it wasn't just us, the other viewers too. =D maap maap aja nih lex..
**hugs and kisses to my dearest friends!!!**
Monday, November 28, 2005
I'll be 18 in,, +/- 4,5 hrs!!!
Berat raSanya meNinggalkan ke'muda'an ini.. I'll be 19, then 20 and then 21 soon.. dimana gw akan lepas dari sgala subsidi dr ortu.. aaaahhhhhhhhhhh bentar lagi muka gue timbul kerutan and, tick tock! times up to tRy to get rid all of these fats around me aaaahhhh!!! anjRRRiiiiitttttttttttttttttttt
ih sumPah ya gue mikiRnya kayak iBu" abis ahahhaha
Selama umuR gue 18 ini banyak baNget yang udah gw plajarin. Since there were also many events yang terjadi. There's masuk kuliah..aDaptasi dengan lingkungan baru tepatnya. an on/off/on/off relationship. Discovering a new bunch of great friends, alcohol and clubs, a steady job, cutting my hair 30 cm too short ugh!!, having a crush all year long whose phone number i still havent scored!! et cetera,et cetera, et cetera,,
hm,,, soo wHat haVe i leArnt this yeaR?????
*Alcohol doesn't give any good for you, only some uncomfortable heat on your throat.
*SExual intercourse isn't essential to enjoy the age of 18. It's gOing out with your fRiends all day/night long laughing your heAds off
*It's not the kiss in kissing that makes it feel so good. it's the feeling, knowing your partner is really holding himself to doing more than that.. hahhaahha
* There's pleasure in earning your own moNey, having your own paycheck
* I've been too naive.. and i think i still am. gradually learning not to though..
* Knowing a thing or two about philosophy really broaden your horizon
* Fashion, shopping, clubbing, is really fun, but it's not the most important thing
* Work hard maintaining your friends!
* Never expect much to being able to change someone. They usually returned to who they were before they met you after a while.
* Fear gets you nowhere.
* Praying and doing good gives you peace of mind. Jangan pernah malas shalat lah yaa
* stop whining, and act!
* feeling like crap for some asshole = losing.
* Indie bands are better than the major labels
* Piracy is a form of fighting against capitalism. ciyeee pembelaan nih!
* Pikir matang matang beFore agreeing to something.
Nampaknya mAsih banyak lagi sihhh tapi yasuDahlah yaaa my friend called!! ehhehehehehehhe
Berat raSanya meNinggalkan ke'muda'an ini.. I'll be 19, then 20 and then 21 soon.. dimana gw akan lepas dari sgala subsidi dr ortu.. aaaahhhhhhhhhhh bentar lagi muka gue timbul kerutan and, tick tock! times up to tRy to get rid all of these fats around me aaaahhhh!!! anjRRRiiiiitttttttttttttttttttt
ih sumPah ya gue mikiRnya kayak iBu" abis ahahhaha
Selama umuR gue 18 ini banyak baNget yang udah gw plajarin. Since there were also many events yang terjadi. There's masuk kuliah..aDaptasi dengan lingkungan baru tepatnya. an on/off/on/off relationship. Discovering a new bunch of great friends, alcohol and clubs, a steady job, cutting my hair 30 cm too short ugh!!, having a crush all year long whose phone number i still havent scored!! et cetera,et cetera, et cetera,,
hm,,, soo wHat haVe i leArnt this yeaR?????
*Alcohol doesn't give any good for you, only some uncomfortable heat on your throat.
*SExual intercourse isn't essential to enjoy the age of 18. It's gOing out with your fRiends all day/night long laughing your heAds off
*It's not the kiss in kissing that makes it feel so good. it's the feeling, knowing your partner is really holding himself to doing more than that.. hahhaahha
* There's pleasure in earning your own moNey, having your own paycheck
* I've been too naive.. and i think i still am. gradually learning not to though..
* Knowing a thing or two about philosophy really broaden your horizon
* Fashion, shopping, clubbing, is really fun, but it's not the most important thing
* Work hard maintaining your friends!
* Never expect much to being able to change someone. They usually returned to who they were before they met you after a while.
* Fear gets you nowhere.
* Praying and doing good gives you peace of mind. Jangan pernah malas shalat lah yaa
* stop whining, and act!
* feeling like crap for some asshole = losing.
* Indie bands are better than the major labels
* Piracy is a form of fighting against capitalism. ciyeee pembelaan nih!
* Pikir matang matang beFore agreeing to something.
Nampaknya mAsih banyak lagi sihhh tapi yasuDahlah yaaa my friend called!! ehhehehehehehhe
Thursday, November 24, 2005
boost my mood, somebody
what is this?? caffeine overdose??
maybe i shouldn't have drank teh tarik waktu buka puasa tadi..
what is this?? caffeine overdose??
maybe i shouldn't have drank teh tarik waktu buka puasa tadi..
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
carousel.. romantis ga sih?? not really yah
It's a bit odd. Tapi since i was little i am somehow very attached to it. Kalo lagi ke dufan, bahkan sampe di umur gue yang hampir sembilanbelas ini, i insist gue mesti naek carousel. Waloupun temen" gue uda pada males. karna skRg ud gede sekali naik aja cukup, tapi waktu gue kecil bisa" dua jam sendiri main carousel. Malah kata nyokap pernah dulu gue nangis" ga mau tidur pengen naik carousel, and they really took me to dufan just to take a ride! Gue juga inget dulu pernah ngerengek" minta naik carousel ke dufan, tapi bokap gue gamau karna ud kemaleman, trus gue tonjok alat vitalnya ahahhahahahahaha! yahh namanya juga anak kecil kan ga ngerti ahahahahhaha intinya sampe skarang kalo ada carousel malem" pake lampu" gtu pasti gue minta naek.
And it's deeper than just a ride. The sensation of looking around,the wind, outside the carousel seemed so dark and riding it you feel radiant, bright and warm bursting with all those lights and bright colours. On it, you can observe people too, and see from a different perspective, and no one can touch you, you're going fast! there's also something about the music. Musik khas carousel lagu" sirkus akordion ditambah bunyi ngik" gesekan besi yang gerakin kuda" itu turun naik maju mundur in a circular line. It's like a separated world where imagination reigns over reality.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
smile, be confident and take the risk!
your gains will outnumber your losses, so have confidence and take the riskKata ramalan nasib yang di friendster.. biAsanya siiiihh ramalannya sering meleset. tapi kaLi ini kayaknya bener deh.
You see, the excitements had begun. Dan bukan cuma gue bentar lagi mulai main dalam sebuah band (i hate the term ngeband..entah knapa ingetnya sm peterpan gtu" ahhaha), tapi juga dari kepanitiaan ospek jurusan gue a.k.a LDMK.
Gue grogi abiiiisssssssss main di band. karena gatau bisa ga ya mainnya rapih bareng", trus lancar bikin improvisasi, rasanya pengetahuan gue minim banget, apalagi pengalamannya! Mana kayaknya kok jago" ya temen"nya.. selain takut malu gue takut ga bisa keep up.
Lalu selain itu gue dijadiin koordinator Relasi di kepanitiaan LDMK.. pertamanya sih gue iya iya aja,,namanya relasi kan ya. pikiran gue cm disuru nelfon" and stuff. pas gue tau bagian bagian apa aja yang gue bawahi.... dar! ,,gue mengkoordinasi Dana Usaha, Humas dan Dokumentasi.. WHATTTT?????? Duit??? lagi??? lagi lagi??? meSti ngurusin duit???? 45 juta pula! haaalllaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh! tapi ya udahlah ya,,, berjuang! berjuang! yang ini risknya lebih besar karena gue bisa bisa dimusuhin seangkatan sampe diwisuda! dan gue blom pernah jadi koordinator apa pun. kecuali koordinator ade" gue atau spupu gue waktu masi printil" dulu. huhuhu
sEnyum aja deh yaaaaa have confidence, and take the risk!!! malu, malu deh,, it takes a lot of things to gain experience bukan??
by the way, it's my biRthDay neXt weEk!!! ah.. i'm letting go of my youth. How many years left before my first wrinkle??
Monday, November 14, 2005
8:50 am..
haiyah maLas dehh 1 makalah lagi haRus dikeRjakan. I'm suppose to research about it..but ended up menuLis disini =P
Ngga jadi les nyEtir! tempat lesnya masi libuRr..
My sister is watching simpLe Life. I wish i'm Paris hilton. She's soo riCh, and skinny, has UNLIMITED SHOPPING SPREE, prEtty , duMb as a monkey yEt she has no idEa about it! bEing ignoRant savEd her life. i think she even trade marked that 'that's hot' sentence shE and nicole aLways saying! i saw it in a magazine, ada interviewnya dia with a tagline: that's hot tm. !!!!!!! busett... And shE's niCer and moRe poLite than nicoLe hahaha
that's hot
haaaiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh kembaLi meNgerjakan makaLah!!!
haiyah maLas dehh 1 makalah lagi haRus dikeRjakan. I'm suppose to research about it..but ended up menuLis disini =P
Ngga jadi les nyEtir! tempat lesnya masi libuRr..
My sister is watching simpLe Life. I wish i'm Paris hilton. She's soo riCh, and skinny, has UNLIMITED SHOPPING SPREE, prEtty , duMb as a monkey yEt she has no idEa about it! bEing ignoRant savEd her life. i think she even trade marked that 'that's hot' sentence shE and nicole aLways saying! i saw it in a magazine, ada interviewnya dia with a tagline: that's hot tm. !!!!!!! busett... And shE's niCer and moRe poLite than nicoLe hahaha
that's hot
haaaiiiiiiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh kembaLi meNgerjakan makaLah!!!
Sunday, November 13, 2005
mr. Untouchable,exboyf,and les nyetir
i noticEd yEsterday baHwa mr. Untouchable isn't that ignoRant! (mr. U is a seNior my fRiends and i have a cRush on-red) Ceritanya keMarin guE kuCing"an sama pak Dosen, Mr. Bulizuar bUyung -huehuehue (piss pak)- kaRena cabut keLAsnya, PancasiLa. Ngga pEntingbaNGet,, i kNow! -piss lagi pak- Dan meLakukan bebeRapa hal boDoh berSama saHabatdalamkejahatankum,chichi. Setelah berhasiL escaPe kita ke gd.E dehh,tpt nOngkRong anak" juRusan gue. Disana keTemu sama seNior gue yang caBut paNcasila juga. Lalu chi" dan gue berCeritaLah kepAdanya sambiL terTawa" bErSama. si mr. U ada di sebelah senior gue itu. He didN't join the coNversation, tapi terSenyu seNyum dan ketAwa" kecil kaRena, of couRse he heard uS. Cuma.. all the while he lookEd some plAce eLse..dia nGeliat ke dEpan aja tErus"an, ke arah taman. didn't maKe any coNnectiOn wiTh us. aNeh ga sih?? iS he shY or what?? hE's adoraBle, taPi jaNgan sombOng gtu doNg.. heheh
BesOk is mY eX's biRthday...stiLL contemplating wheThEr i shouLd call him oR not afTer what he Did.. aFter a veeRy imPortant faCt he FORGOT to mention.. d'uh..pLis deH
muDah"an dia ga mengiRa macaM", misaLnya gue maSih apa" gtu...guBraKKK!! emang maSih apa" siy.. masih peNgen ngeGepLak paLanya! ahahahahah ngGa deHh,, jangan. 'Jagalah hati jangan kau nodai' kata Aa Gym. 'kiTa haRus maiNtain hubunGan baik dengan maNtan' demikian peSan teMankU. Dan beRhubUng deNGan mantan" sEbeLumnya (pacaR"an boDoh anak smp) gue lost coNtact he shouLd be thefiRst lah. Pacar bArunya taU ngga ya pErbuatannya?? i woNder whAT haPPens if she knOws, aNd i wonDer if he did that to me too wakTu pas baru jaDian dulu. Boys will always be boYs huh?? weLL, muDah"an gw ga tErkena tiPu daya lelaki lagi.
iT's goOd that he's noT my boYf anymoRe.
its 4.20 pm already daN makaLahnya bLum sLesai niiiiiiiiiiiii
a ChocolaTe coVered bite mE doNut wouLd be niCe noW!!
oiya, beSok muLai les nYetiR!!! bErsama miSs maNdy yang penakut ahahahhahahaha ah aku tak saBar iNgin seGera memiLiki SIM dan menjeLajaHi jaLan" koTa jaKArta yang pEnuh sampAh hahahahahhah
semaNgat!!semaNgat!! aza aza fiGhting!! (oops =P)
BesOk is mY eX's biRthday...stiLL contemplating wheThEr i shouLd call him oR not afTer what he Did.. aFter a veeRy imPortant faCt he FORGOT to mention.. d'uh..pLis deH
muDah"an dia ga mengiRa macaM", misaLnya gue maSih apa" gtu...guBraKKK!! emang maSih apa" siy.. masih peNgen ngeGepLak paLanya! ahahahahah ngGa deHh,, jangan. 'Jagalah hati jangan kau nodai' kata Aa Gym. 'kiTa haRus maiNtain hubunGan baik dengan maNtan' demikian peSan teMankU. Dan beRhubUng deNGan mantan" sEbeLumnya (pacaR"an boDoh anak smp) gue lost coNtact he shouLd be thefiRst lah. Pacar bArunya taU ngga ya pErbuatannya?? i woNder whAT haPPens if she knOws, aNd i wonDer if he did that to me too wakTu pas baru jaDian dulu. Boys will always be boYs huh?? weLL, muDah"an gw ga tErkena tiPu daya lelaki lagi.
iT's goOd that he's noT my boYf anymoRe.
its 4.20 pm already daN makaLahnya bLum sLesai niiiiiiiiiiiii
a ChocolaTe coVered bite mE doNut wouLd be niCe noW!!
oiya, beSok muLai les nYetiR!!! bErsama miSs maNdy yang penakut ahahahhahahaha ah aku tak saBar iNgin seGera memiLiki SIM dan menjeLajaHi jaLan" koTa jaKArta yang pEnuh sampAh hahahahahhah
semaNgat!!semaNgat!! aza aza fiGhting!! (oops =P)
Saturday, November 12, 2005
nExt wEek nExt wEek
Huaaaa tiDak saBar iNgin miNggu dEpan segeRa tiba!!!
Karena miNgggu dEpan seems liKe a beGinninG to exciteMent!!
miNggu depaN ada rEncana ke baNduNg seaangkatan on saTurDay!!! wuAh seRu abis kan paSti. kaRena kaLo lagi bERsama teMen" SMA gue addaaa aja keBodoHan" yang membuat semuanya sEru heuheuheuehue The baNdung plan invoLves dinner di daeRah daGo atas meNginap raMai raMai di rumah temanku lalu besoknya jaLan" ke FO!! yeeeeeeyyyy!!! =)
Sebelumnya oN fRiday, gue dan temaN'' di kampuS sudah berencana nOnton hArry poTter berSama!! di EX biar mannsstaaaapppp.
sLain itu someTime nExt wEek gue akan muLai beRmain dalam sEbuah baNd... oh no!! i'm reeeeeLLY scAred. Tapi sLain itu juGa excited! VERY excitEd. Seorang pemain piano klasik mEncoba bermain pop-jazz. JengjEng!! I'm crossiNg my fiNgers and even my toEs alsO!
aNd tHen thE weEkEnd twO weEks fRom noW ada JGTC. I like! =) bEcauSe i like the jAzz anD..aNd..hihi. Ada kesempaTan yang cuKup beSar dapat bErtemu si Anu hihih. heuhuehuehue. ahahahhaha. noRak ah.
NamUn miNggu iNi banaykk skaLi tuGas yang hArus disLesaikan supaYa gw bisa meNikmati the eXcitEments!! huff,,,,,, teRimakasih baNyak untuk Drs. Henry Walandouw -pake W- yang hoBi abiS ngAsi" makaLah. aPesnya laGi angkataN gue kebagian yang juDulnya bEda sama angkataN'' laEn jadi ga bisa nGopy!! haLaaaahhhhh
by the way a girL diEd a fEw dayS aGo. gue ga kenaL siYy, tapi my friend doEs. Tragis deh. She fell, well fLew fRom hEr caR, off the bRidge inTo the riVer di tol cipularang.. aih aih. Jenazahnya sempEt iLang taPi udah kaetemu dan tadi siaNg dimakamiN.. She's only 16 kiRa". I took a look at her fRiendster accOunt, and i'm vEry soRry.. namanya Riri anak aLizh, maY she reSt in peaCe.
Karena miNgggu dEpan seems liKe a beGinninG to exciteMent!!
miNggu depaN ada rEncana ke baNduNg seaangkatan on saTurDay!!! wuAh seRu abis kan paSti. kaRena kaLo lagi bERsama teMen" SMA gue addaaa aja keBodoHan" yang membuat semuanya sEru heuheuheuehue The baNdung plan invoLves dinner di daeRah daGo atas meNginap raMai raMai di rumah temanku lalu besoknya jaLan" ke FO!! yeeeeeeyyyy!!! =)
Sebelumnya oN fRiday, gue dan temaN'' di kampuS sudah berencana nOnton hArry poTter berSama!! di EX biar mannsstaaaapppp.
sLain itu someTime nExt wEek gue akan muLai beRmain dalam sEbuah baNd... oh no!! i'm reeeeeLLY scAred. Tapi sLain itu juGa excited! VERY excitEd. Seorang pemain piano klasik mEncoba bermain pop-jazz. JengjEng!! I'm crossiNg my fiNgers and even my toEs alsO!
aNd tHen thE weEkEnd twO weEks fRom noW ada JGTC. I like! =) bEcauSe i like the jAzz anD..aNd..hihi. Ada kesempaTan yang cuKup beSar dapat bErtemu si Anu hihih. heuhuehuehue. ahahahhaha. noRak ah.
NamUn miNggu iNi banaykk skaLi tuGas yang hArus disLesaikan supaYa gw bisa meNikmati the eXcitEments!! huff,,,,,, teRimakasih baNyak untuk Drs. Henry Walandouw -pake W- yang hoBi abiS ngAsi" makaLah. aPesnya laGi angkataN gue kebagian yang juDulnya bEda sama angkataN'' laEn jadi ga bisa nGopy!! haLaaaahhhhh
by the way a girL diEd a fEw dayS aGo. gue ga kenaL siYy, tapi my friend doEs. Tragis deh. She fell, well fLew fRom hEr caR, off the bRidge inTo the riVer di tol cipularang.. aih aih. Jenazahnya sempEt iLang taPi udah kaetemu dan tadi siaNg dimakamiN.. She's only 16 kiRa". I took a look at her fRiendster accOunt, and i'm vEry soRry.. namanya Riri anak aLizh, maY she reSt in peaCe.
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
it's pRactically the same thiNg that i do evRyday
getting up at 6, shalat, or sometimes go for a run with my mom
then i get ready for kuliah, mandi, sarapan buru buru, masuk mobil and finish the rest of my rituals on the way.
sampE di kamPus pass banget dengan mulainya kuliah. Sat down next to Chichi, hampir sLaLu. we save seats for each others like elementary students. Dengerin dosen, At least for the first few minutes. Kalo topik hari itu interests me atau susah i pay atention. if not, i'd rather chat with chichi. =) Afterclass eat lunch with the girls.. in the same canteen,since the canteen we're used to visit is small, it gets pretty boring too. Only the things we talked and laughed about saves me from slitting my wrist out of boredom.
Setelah itu gue ke halte kampus, sekitar jam 1 supiR gue sampe, i went home. Makan, klo sebelomnya br cm nyemil, or langsung ke atas, shalat, nonton telenovela with my mom. Ngerjain tugas.. mandi shalat maghrib, etc.etc.
at 10 pm i'd be on my bed, setting the alarm 5.45 am. If i'm sleepy enough i'd doze immidiately, if not, i'd read or imagine something..bengong bengong..
aNd the next day the alarm would ring at 5.45. i'd wait about 10 minutes seblom ambil wudhu, dan seterusnya dan seterusnya
If my life's excitement dipasangin mesiN spt mEsin oRang" yg sakit di ICU. I'm really dying now
my Name is Jinitya Yasmine Basarah
i like playing the piano
i hate eggs
i'm really trying to have an unboring life
it's pRactically the same thiNg that i do evRyday
getting up at 6, shalat, or sometimes go for a run with my mom
then i get ready for kuliah, mandi, sarapan buru buru, masuk mobil and finish the rest of my rituals on the way.
sampE di kamPus pass banget dengan mulainya kuliah. Sat down next to Chichi, hampir sLaLu. we save seats for each others like elementary students. Dengerin dosen, At least for the first few minutes. Kalo topik hari itu interests me atau susah i pay atention. if not, i'd rather chat with chichi. =) Afterclass eat lunch with the girls.. in the same canteen,since the canteen we're used to visit is small, it gets pretty boring too. Only the things we talked and laughed about saves me from slitting my wrist out of boredom.
Setelah itu gue ke halte kampus, sekitar jam 1 supiR gue sampe, i went home. Makan, klo sebelomnya br cm nyemil, or langsung ke atas, shalat, nonton telenovela with my mom. Ngerjain tugas.. mandi shalat maghrib, etc.etc.
at 10 pm i'd be on my bed, setting the alarm 5.45 am. If i'm sleepy enough i'd doze immidiately, if not, i'd read or imagine something..bengong bengong..
aNd the next day the alarm would ring at 5.45. i'd wait about 10 minutes seblom ambil wudhu, dan seterusnya dan seterusnya
If my life's excitement dipasangin mesiN spt mEsin oRang" yg sakit di ICU. I'm really dying now
my Name is Jinitya Yasmine Basarah
i like playing the piano
i hate eggs
i'm really trying to have an unboring life
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