Wednesday, November 09, 2005


it's pRactically the same thiNg that i do evRyday

getting up at 6, shalat, or sometimes go for a run with my mom
then i get ready for kuliah, mandi, sarapan buru buru, masuk mobil and finish the rest of my rituals on the way.

sampE di kamPus pass banget dengan mulainya kuliah. Sat down next to Chichi, hampir sLaLu. we save seats for each others like elementary students. Dengerin dosen, At least for the first few minutes. Kalo topik hari itu interests me atau susah i pay atention. if not, i'd rather chat with chichi. =) Afterclass eat lunch with the girls.. in the same canteen,since the canteen we're used to visit is small, it gets pretty boring too. Only the things we talked and laughed about saves me from slitting my wrist out of boredom.

Setelah itu gue ke halte kampus, sekitar jam 1 supiR gue sampe, i went home. Makan, klo sebelomnya br cm nyemil, or langsung ke atas, shalat, nonton telenovela with my mom. Ngerjain tugas.. mandi shalat maghrib, etc.etc.

at 10 pm i'd be on my bed, setting the alarm 5.45 am. If i'm sleepy enough i'd doze immidiately, if not, i'd read or imagine something..bengong bengong..

aNd the next day the alarm would ring at 5.45. i'd wait about 10 minutes seblom ambil wudhu, dan seterusnya dan seterusnya

If my life's excitement dipasangin mesiN spt mEsin oRang" yg sakit di ICU. I'm really dying now

my Name is Jinitya Yasmine Basarah
i like playing the piano
i hate eggs
i'm really trying to have an unboring life

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