Sunday, January 29, 2006


i must not talk about it, if i do then the feelings would be real..

huff,,you shouldn't have smiled at me that night.. or the night before..

Friday, January 27, 2006

fuck fuck fuck

today's really frustrating

well, not really. but i am frustrated now

may be it's because
1. i didn't do anything fun today. i did meet my friends for a brief time, but it wasn't fun
2. My mom is sooooooo annoying
3. i got reminded what the fortune teller said yesterday. it was good actually, she said i have good fortune. but i'm not very keen about who she said is supposed to be my husband. it's HIM. (ugh,, puke?) duh.. i don't thinks so... well, whatever. itu kan rahasia Allah.
4. i'm feeling extremely bored. this is what happens to me when i go out with my fRiends almosT everyday, from am to pm. It's sort of a hangover. i get in a bad mood because the amount of time i use to laugh today is extremely low compared to yesterday and the day before and the day before it, and before it.. Well there nothing wrong for being a funholic or laughoholic right?
5. i can't sign in to msn. Shit.
6. i logged in to my hi5 account and it's considerably full of perverted guys giving testimonials and stuff. thank god friendster isn't like that. i was like, who the fuck are you people?? that's how those people in the movies who's party got crashed by a bunch of strangers dancing, drinking, having sex in his/her rooms, only their dread are extremely higher.
7. i can't stay online long. The bytes consumed is over the limit already. this is over the limit.

See you

Monday, January 23, 2006


taDI gw abis baca postingan tgl 28 nov. the one i wrote sbelum my 19th birthday. trs point pertama : alcohol doesnt do any good for you dst.

hm,, coRrection: it does you some good. my aunt call them shots of courage. that is so tRue! hihihi.. let's just say my latest experience with alcohol was so good. i had so much fun.. hahahahah tapi ngga baik ah. heheh

aduh lagi galau nih!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

high on MSG

this is reaLLy strAnge tapi masa' ya kmaRen gw dan aRyo mabok vetSin!!

kmaRen adalah anOthEr day untuk baNd gue tRacking. PAda pukul 1 aRyo pun bertandang ke rumah untuk jemput gue ke sTudio tanpa lupa minta makan duLu. nah,, jaDi jam satu itu terakhir kali kita makan.
Pada pukul lima tRacking dimulai. Seperti biasa Fabi take pertama kita nungguin dengan makanin snaCk" vetsin : SuperRing produksi oriental foods malaysia sdn.bhd. yang dibawain Radit. Inget" tuh SuperRing, produksi Oriental Foods!! Ada 4 kantong besar yang dibawa dan smuanya itu ludes. Sebenernya sih makannya rame" tapi kok cm gw sama aRyo ya yang maBok? maybe that last bag yang berAcun yah.

Kejadiannya pada sekitar pukul 8 malam. gue dan aRyo udah seteres nungguin faBi yang as usual takenya lama. Saat itu radit lagi nganterin diVa pulang, jaDi kita cuman bErdua deh tuh nUnggu ,sementara sekantong super Ring biru terlantar di sOfa. Kontan kita berdua menyerbu. Mengunyah diantara tekanan batin yang dialami. Aryo tErus memonitor faBi, gue udah cuek nonton Into the Blue di laptop. Beberapa saat setelah snacknya habis aRyo mulai mengeluh.

Aryo: aduh gue laper deh. Pusing.
Jinit: iya gue juga Pusing
Aryo: iya nih. berat banget kepalanya
Jinit: hm,, mata lo kok merAh Yo?
Aryo: ,,,,, waDuh.. MSG MSG
Jinit: kayaknya kita keraCunan veTsin nih

Pada sekitar pukul sembilan Radit kembali. Terheran-heran melihat kita berdua beler kayak orang maBok..

vEtsin sialan! jaDinya pas kita take susah daPet perfeCtnya deHhh

yah, teMan", waspadaLah!!! karena efeknya beNer" kayak aBis minUm minuman beraLkohoL! mata meRah, kepala beRat. cara ngiLanginnya juga sama: makan. Karena pas kmaren abis makan jadi seGer lagi. gatau juga apakah itu terjadi karena peRut kita kosOng makannya vetsin, atau emang that last bag was toxic. pokOknya jaNgan baNyak" makan vEtsin lah ya!!


i tried to iGnoRe but
i jUst can't staNd it whenever you're arOund
is it truLy chemiStry or juSt a faLSe siGnaL?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

*sooo blessed!!*

I am soo bLEssed!!
So Happy!!!

There's so many woNDerfuL thingS that hapPened to mE this Week!! sulit diungkapkan dengan kata kata lah.. jadi saya taruh byk foto saja ya

1. Bandnya sudaH muLai rekamaN dEmo!!
it was ExhauSting! tapi dapet penGalaman baRu! pLease cRoss your fiNgers foR us!! well ternyata tRacking itu suLit! pertama" vokal+instrumen bikin lead dulu sebagai patoka. abis itu drummERnya take. This is a difficult thing karna drummer kalo dia salaj dikiiit aja mesti ulang dari awal! jadi takenya bisa lamaa banget. abis dRummer giliran bas, keys, gitaRs, dan trakhir vokal. Kalo skali main langsung dapet sih cepet. Tapi susah, karna kan mesti perfect tiiming, perfect comping. metronome,, metronome,, mau mati kita dibuatnya hahah sebeLum rekaMan muLai maSi exciTed..
Jinitya mau taKe...
aRyo the MD, and Stressed Out faBian

2. my Kinky kinky tRip to Kulala Lumpur
huaaa senang skaaaliiiiiii. Sayangnya kuRang lama! only 4 days. itu pun kalo diitung bersihnya cuma 3 hari. kepotong deLay psawat dan hari trakhir gue baliknya sore" siang gtuu. It was fUn!! reaLLy fUn!!! reaLLy kinky!!! hihihihi. Went to zouk, kl tower, klcc, putrajaya, genting, luna bar, and those huge maLLs! me love topshoP!! ;) hopefully i can come back there soon!
@ Luna Bar,background:KL tower these are my kinky, kinky Friends!

3. IP gue TIGa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tigaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! TIGA KOMA EMPAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hihihihihihiiiiiiii

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

kembaLi di Jakarta..

HAppy New Year!!
Just caMe baCk from Bali..

New Years resoLution : none

bikin resolusi rasanya cuma ritual kosong yang dibuat hanya untuk dilanggar. riGht?

Belum apa" gue udah buat banyak 'dosa' di new Year. Dalam 3 haRi ini i alreaDy draNk 2 glasses of champagne, kira" 4 shots of baiLeys, siPs of maRgarita, illusion and a lil' bit of tequila. ga saMpai mabok , tp raSanya it's not a good thing to beGin the new yeaR with.

Bali is quite bOring. Except for the new Year's eve diNner and the raFting. hujan teruS. Penjual baju di pasar kesusahan, tuRis sepi. taPi waktu bLanja gw tetep nawar.

My pOor graNdaddy stayed at his roOm all the time. his credit caRd didn't. The royal Basarah fund, drained.

hoPes for this Year:
* dEmo baND segera keLar dengaN sangat baik, lalu diterima label or indie or whatever. lalu musiknya berkembang
* LDMK 2006 sukses dan duit meLimpah
* IP TIGA!!!!!
* Earn more money
* semakin baik in all aspect. aamiin

keMarin maLam aku bErmimPi
Kau daTang Lagi
meMbiSiki teLinGaku dengaN jaNji jaNji

Lalu seEkor aNjing hiTam
meNggigit pantatkU keras keRas

sNapped me
BAck to reaLity