Wednesday, September 26, 2007

for better or for worse

all these contradictory feelings.. some may say it's exaggerated admiration or lust or love or whatever. i really dont want to know... yet..

the weirdest thing is i feel like i can tell him anything i want, any feeling i feel in this world and he would just smile and take it and give a smart reply!! that's a first.. i'm not the kind of girl who tell people how i feel..much less boys that i've come to like. it's as if he can contain me..

or maybe i just like him too much ya???
and when i like boys too much i usually end up hurted..

hm.. well, let's not think about all this too much, shall we??

Sunday, September 23, 2007

highlight of my saturday nite

bukannya itu emang risiko pacaran yah? sakit hati..
Ketika lo berani give your heart away lo mesti berani terima risiko suatu hari hati itu akan kembali ke lo.. rusak, ngga utuh..

mungkin bukan kata" paling soothing untuk menghibur teman yang lagi patah hati.. it's rather too realistic.. but heartbreaks are never easy mate..

to my dearest friends and support group, you know who you are.. haha..
mend your hearts well yah.. :)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

pupus sudah harapanku

Ya, harapanku dan semua, sekali lagi SEMUA (dengan suara menggelegar sampai burung" pun berterbangan dari pohon)anak administrasi angkatan 2004 untuk lulus 3.5 tahun..

Semua gara-gara koordinasi yang buruk antara fakultas dengan jurusan gue.

Entah fakultas yang seenaknya atau orang-orang jurusan yang dodol. Habis.. jurusan laen tetep bisa 3.5 tahun..

kalo ngikutin gaya bahasa temen gue Fian si Raja Iblis:


Yah.. gue sih ngga terlalu gondok-gondok amat gara" hal tersebut diatas. Malah kalo dipikir lebih bagus juga buat kualitas skripsi gue. Soalnya kan gue balik lagi ke RI untuk freelance sampe bulan november. Jadinya ngga terlalu buru-buru ngerjain skripsinya, lebih tenang dan ini penting kalo bener-bener jadi kualitatif. Ortu pun ngga keberatan gw perpanjang satu semester lagi.

Cuma.. jadinya kan 'cuma' tepat waktu aja jadi sarjananya.. ngga ada embel" "lulus 3.5 tahun"..
just another ordinary graduate.. huuhhh.. padahal semangat overachieving gue udah gue kerahkan sepenuh jiwa dan raga sampe begadang mulu nyari bahan..

Jadi rasanya kehilangan momentum aja.. kontan rencana gw dan chichi ke prasetya mulya untuk jadi anggota perpustakaannya besok dibatalkan.. no, we don't have anything better to do.. but why rush it now that we know we'll be no more than ordinary?? :(

NGGA ASIK NIH!!!! grr...

Tapi however target baru sudah dibuat yaitu:
Memegang ijazah lulus sidang minimal bulan Februari jadi bisa cari kerja! hahahahha setidaknya kalo ditanya gelar sarjananya masih bisa pake embel-embel "lulus 3.7 bulan lhooo" gituuu ahhahaha

emang nih.. Cum Laude abal-abal! :D

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My dear Skripsi

I'm soooo excited for my skripsi!! (ngga enak kalo make bhs inggrisny : dissertation :p) i love research and my skripsi is about consumer behavior & children & brand. Tema-tema yang sangatngat menarik buat gue!!

senin kemarin gw udah ngumpulin outline..telat sih daripada temen" lain dan to make up for it gue udah banyak nyari-nyari teori dan jurnal yang berkait dengan tema skripsi gw which is :

"Perbedaan Brand Appeal diantara Kelas-Kelas Sosial dalam Konsumen Anak-anak"

asik ngga? hahaha

Asik dooong.. udah gitu kaga ada teorinya lagi konsep" itu.. buku tentang children consumer behavior aja cuma ada satu biji.. tapi justru itu.. brarti risetnya qualitative!! wee-hee! i love!!!!! Emang sih jadi harus belajar lagi karena kalo di kampus yang diajarin kan mainly quant research.. cuma gara-gara magang di RI kemaren gw jadi suka banget sama qual research dan gw yakin deh bisa! asalkan berusaha ya kan?? Dan dengan qual begini brarti gue akan bikin fgd sendiri dan ada kemungkinan i'll moderate it myself! yay!!

Serunya lagi banyak challenge dalam risetnya ini.. karena responden gw anak-anak! jadi akan make projective techniques juga.. yaitu teknik" misalnya make gambar" atau bikin kolase dalam fgdnya itu.. harus banyak belajar nih dan juga nanya" sama orang" di RI. untungnya Mba Dina di RI mau bantuin!

Besok approval outline dan penunjukan pembimbing nih..
Daoakan aku dapat pembimbing yang asik yaaa!!!

Weeeeee!!! :D

Monday, September 17, 2007

Most Recent Obsession of Anak-anak Niaga 2004 :


And your dear blogger here is no exception!

Meski agak telat, (gw baru ngumpulin outline tadi, tertinggal 2 minggu dari yang lain), i'm trying to do my best! Moga-moga gw dapet pembimbing yang enak supaya lancar nih..!
hup! hup! hup!

Mari kita singsingkan lengan baju kawan-kawan!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 07, 2007

psychoanalyzed myself!

Psychoanalyze yourself! Don't read
ahead, just answer the following
questions with the first thought that
comes to mind. Then read which each
answer means at the end. (No

1. You are not alone. You are walking in the woods. Who is with you?
x. no one

2. You are walking in the woods. You see an animal. What kind of animal?
x. squirrel

3. What interaction takes place between you and the animal?
x. I smiled at it and took its picture tried to touch it though it jumped around then I left it be

4. You walk deeper in the woods. You enter a clearing, and before you is
your DREAM house. How big is it?
x. small but cute. A little country house that’s warm and loving

5. Is your dream house surrounded by a
x. yes, short with flowers

6. You enter the house. You walk into the dining room and see the dining room
table. What do you see on AND around it?
x. food, candles, dessert. Around it is the people I love

7. You exit the house and a cup is onthe ground, what kind is it?
x. ceramic teacup. It’s white, pretty and got flower patterns on it,

8. What do you do with the cup?
x. took it

9. You walk to the edge of the property where you find yourself at: what type
of water?
x. little stream of river

10. How will you cross the water?
x. jumped


1. The person who you are walking in the woods with is the most important to you.
** haahaha jadi ternyata no one is impotant for me right now. not even that guy i dream of 24/7 lately :p

2. The size of the animal is representative of your perception of the size of your problems in your life.
** i do think i lead a rather unproblematic life! :)

3. The severity of the interaction you have with the animal is representative of how you deal with your problems.
** gue emang ga suka berkutat dengan masalah.. i always take things easily. dan memang bener banget tuh evrytime i face a problem biasanya i think of it rather as an intermezzo things to spice up my life. hahahaha

4. The size of your dream home is representative of the size of your ambition to solve your problems.
** what problem??? :p

5. A lack of a fence is indicative of an open personality. People are welcome at all times. The presence of a fence indicates a closed personality. You'd prefer people not drop by unannounced.
** true.. but the fence's short and cute! ;D

6. If your answer did NOT include food, flowers, or people, then you are generally unhappy.
** I'm very happy then!

7. The durability of the material with the cup is made of is representative of the perceived durability of your relationship.
** hihihi fragile ya? i do think realtionships are scary

8. What you did with the cup is representative of your attitude.
** klepto gitu? hahaha i always take what i can

9. The size of the body of water is representative of the size of your sexual desire.
** so i'm Frigid, so what? haha!

10. The way you cross the water is representative to how easy or hard you expect your life to be.
** then it's real easy ya?

(except for the frigid part)

i'm hoooomeee!!!

aih aih pulang juga.. :D

the last 2 days in paris gw habiskan dengan hasrat pegnen pulang yang udah memuncak! pengen kuliah, skripsi, mengejar ketinggalan kuliah dehh :D


ANCURRRR nyampe juga gw ke paris dan london! huhihihihihi dari dulu gw emang pengeeeen banget ke dua kota itu.. and i love them! dua"nya kota yang sangay menyenangkan tapi beda tipe banget.. Paris is 'tres chic' whilst london is bloody cool!

In Paris you can hear classical music in the metro (subway), and all those paintings.. antique buildings.. WOW! hampir semua bangunan di Paris dibuat dari tahun jebot, as in pre WW atau sekitar WW1, kalaupun dipugar ngga merubah bentuk aslinya.. and then there's also the sparkling Eiffel, and escargot! hahahah

sementara London is more vibrant, lebih metropolitan lah yaa.. i love going around dengan london underground. The people in london are so cool, begitu juga all those stores in Oxford and Carnaby st., that giant Topshop! :p di london sempet dateng ke Notting Hill carnival juga..mirip" mardi gras, wiii keren dehh dan alhamdulillah gw selamet pulang karena sempet ada aksi tembak"an.. tapi gw uda cabs dari sana pas kejadiannya.. asik abis deh london! cumaaa mahaaalllll kereee aku dibuatnya

cerita lengkapnya ntaran yah.. capee..

jetlag nihjam 1 pagi terang benderang gini mata gw tapi capek.. ahhahaha

ah glad to be home! begitu nyampe makan tempe goreng dan sambel.. HEAVEN! :D