Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2's for twenty something

Let's evaluate!
because i'm twenty tomorrow.. so let's see..

Apa sajakah yang sudah gue pelajari setaun ini??
Banyak banget pengalaman-pengalaman baru yang ngajarin gue untuk BERANI.

Berani start something new.
Berani memilih prioritas hidup.
Berani bertanggung jawab atas semua konsekuensi pilihan gue.
Berani bertahan dengan prinsip gw sendiri dalam konflik.
Berani tampil di depan orang banyak meskipun bukan sendirian.
Berani approach orang yang gw suka.
Berani nyetir.
Berani ke tempat jauh (kelapa gading&komdak) by public transportation sendirian.
(lebih) Berani menghadapi konflik.

Masih kurang puas sih..maksudnya gw belum seberani itu juga, but it's a good start.

IP stabil, future planned. mudah"an tercapai (aamiin)

boy0: mystery, simply gone
boy1: happily taken
boy2: unfortunately forbidden
boy3: a gem, a blur
boy4: nice, somehow fake.

I am in favor of boy3, but feels i'm clicking with boy1 best although it was boy2 the nicest of all. I don't want to think of boy4 or boy0 because they're not in my range of options as is boy1 and boy2. hehehehe..

Life overall

Oh dear,It begins with 2 now..

Friday, November 24, 2006

waktu masih MABA

Tadi pagi rapat relasi. Ngaturin proses nyambut alumni, berebutan nelfon alumni-alumni terganteng. hahahahahahaha

Jadi inget jaman" masi MABA hobinya ngeliatin senior" yang ganteng itu dan jadi inget momen momen pertama notice orang-orang itu. hahahahaha sumpah lucu abis.

Sayangnya ngga seluruh prosesnya ngga se-fun itu.. hihihi

anyway, really miss those days.
pagi hingga siang hari yang ada di pikiran 'hari ini nitip absen ke siapa?' untuk cabut kelas-kelas umum PIP PIH. Nongkrong-nongkrong di PAU makan mie goreng pake tempe goreng plus es jeruk. Kadang kalo (Aya) lagi kaya beli tiramisu frappe di excelso, diabisin rame-rame (paling banyak NYu). Bersama ima dan aya membentuk klub cewe" teraniaya pacar. Gegosipan, curhat", nyidang", nangis-nangis. Sore-sore maen di kampus, ketawa-ketawa di E,belajar nyetir, kadang jalan sama penq bombom hariman. Jinit chichi chicha ayu aya manda ima nyu thomas bias za kikie dika shelly nyu fian wiwied dodo.

skarang jadwal kuliah ngga ada lagi yang sekelas. Sibuk sama urusan masing". Ibu mie goreng tempe udah ngga jualan lagi. Excelso udah tutup. Gw aya ima alhamdulillah sudah bisa berbahagia lagi. Penq bombom hariman ajis bonge tuge tarjo udah lulus. Wiwied udah cabut.

sedih ya..
BI Visit

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

The Big Grand Plan

January - Term 6
24 sks, including internship. Prefereably at a retail company or chain store or department store. Start taking French Classes and decide tema skripsi and start taking early steps for it. take IELTS.
July - Term 7
18 sks, including Skripsi. if possible start taking Italian Classes.

Jinitya Yasmine Basarah, S.Sos. next, London College of Fashion Postgrad
Home, build sufficient career and connections. If possible work in England and find an earl/duke husband to be. tapi mesti moslem ya!!!! :D
Institutto Internazionale Polimoda
Master in Merchandising Management

Home, start a life of my own.

Aaamiiiinn.. aaamiiin ya Allah!!
Cita-cita.. mudah"an kesampean!!! hohohohohoho

Hopefully a career in fashion Management will eliminate my passion for shopping out of sickness in seeing products. and who knows? maybe I'll even get things for free
Things i can't afford right now like the Fendi B Bag, Prada Doctor Bag, and the Manohlos and the Dior makeups and the trip to the Bahamas and.. *laughs* So vain isn't it?

That's what most people think about careers in this billion dollars circulating industry. As the way my aunt put it when i asked for her opinion, "As a career?..well, I think you have more brain power than that." Maybe i do. But i want to do what i like. That's what matters right? Although there's another voice at the back of my head saying: "Are you sure you want to ruin the beauty of this world with work related stress??"

I think i do. Better than ruining my every other perspective over unfulfilled curiosity..

* I think if i was ever someone else in the past i must've been Marie Antoinette or the likes of her. I've always had visions running around the gardens of Versailles laughing with my red lips, my breast clenched tight inside my lacy corsets.
** currently crazy for Feist's Inside and Out.
*** The Jeweled whip is the best selling item in Agent Provocateur Dubai. Some things just don't change.. do they?

gotta get ready for campus!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

blow out the candle, I will burn again tomorrow

AFter 2 weeks of sulking, occassional crying, and negative responses to people i decided it is time to embrace the facts and downfalls of my life rather than trying to change it.

It is time that i acccept that:
1. That guy i've had crush/fling/whatever for the last couple of months isn't going to be anything more anytime soon. i really dont know why, and how should i???? I'd like to assume it is because he can't get over his past love, so it is not my fault.
2. The majority of Adm 2006 isn't gonna start paying attention or respect or most importantly value the trainings or assignments my friends and i arranged for their inititation. Which demanded 1 year's worth of our time and endless battles to fight our own demons, the faculty, et cetera, et cetera. All these times for WHAT???? Must feel blessed by the minority that would. Must. Must.
3. Girl A, B, C, D, E, F, G isn't going to come clean to each other anytime soon. Continue to protect, lie, and protect each other all to their own good misery. Me being in the middle, the spectator perhaps, with tears of frustation watching trying to get aside.
4. I'm not in a band anymore.
5. Dori's gone
6. I dont have the capability to vent my anger or sadness to anyone else but myself because i hate conflicts. I do. I prefer to be seemed happy, because most of the time it makes me forget. But the problem never really go away, do they?
7. It is the story of my life, being a neutral. Why complain? because it isn't always so good to be one.. because you've got to keep secrets, lie, act, and keep a facade.

I'm digging up a big big big hole to bury those stuff into. a big 4 inch smile should fit.


Friday, November 17, 2006

the scholar

London College of Fashion
Polimoda, Florence

I've been doing research about fashion management. Pengen belajar itu setelah lulus nanti, tapi mahal ya.. Nyebelinnya there arent' any fashion business school in Asia. Kalo di Cina kayanya sih ada tapi in chinese. gubrak. di Esmod sini juga ada sih, tapi kayanya belum berkembang bgt. tau lah.. berusaha maksimal aja dulu..

I should start learning French and Italian!!!!!

Anyway, i've started my research buat skripsi juga nih.. baru satu buku aja siy.. lumayan deh. hahahaha awalnya gw pikir mau bikin skripsi related to fashion, siapa tau bisa nambah"in referensi buat postgraduate application atau cari beasiswa. Tapi ternyata mereka ga ada yg ngasi beasiswa.. which is probably good karena fashion marketing di Indonesia untuk diskripsikan rasanya belum maju. Agak males kalo mesti ke singapore demi skripsi ya kan?? yang ada malah belanjeee.

2nd choice skripsi gue adalah marketing to children,yang ternyata kata bukunya "the most difficult area of marketing there is to study". Gw juga mikir sih, gimana coba ngambil data dari anak umur 4-6 tahun? mereka kan belum bisa ngisi kuesioner.. 2nd choice ini bikin jiper juga tapi gue sangat tertarik!

Oh mungkinkah jadi sarjana pada Februari 2008?

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


my suddenly surprisingly mysterious cousin popped home for holiday from Melbourne. and she got me an eye cover. you know, like the ones you got from a 5hours+ flights. It was black, embroidered with these words:
Away with the Fairies

I wish i could do that now..

Monday, November 13, 2006

My Dear Dori Beybi

Dori hilang diambil orang.
gue baru sadar semalem waktu mau posting disini..

Padahal sebelum sadar dia ilang gue lagi nulis :
"sepanjang weekend ini cuma satu yang ada di pikiran gue.. kenapa sih segala beban [hati] gue kayanya ga selesai selesai.."
lalu gue ke kamar mau ambil handphone. inget ada foto yg mau gw blutut ke dori. Gw jalan ke kamar ade gue nanyain dori. ga ada. Panik, bongkar seisi kamar. ga ada. pembantu naek ke atas ikut nyariin dan dia bilang dari tadi pagi memang sudah ga ada. bengong. duduk di lantai kamar. melukin boneka teddy bear berdebu di depan kaca. air mata netes satu tetes dua.

tampaknya pada hari sabtu pagi itu ada yang masuk ke rumah gue. sialnya kamar gue pas di sebelah tangga dengan pintu terbuka. sialnya lagi Dori lagi nangkring di atas meja blajar pas di depan pintu gue charge.. untung ada asuransinya, tapi belum tau juga diganti penuh atau ngga..

untungnya lagi tadi pagi gue sudah bisa handle semua. malah gue jadiin joke untuk ngagetin temen" gue. kebetulan beberapa temen gue pada ketimpa sial misalnya stnk hilang. Pas mereka ngeluh gue kasi tau dori hilang kan mereka jadi lebih ringan perasaannya krn kehilangan gue lebih besar bukan? dan hati gue juga jadi teringankan ngeliat ekspresi" muka mereka yang berubah 180 derajat karena shock! :)
agak aneh memang gw masi bisa ketawa", cuma rasanya udah cukuplah seharian dari sabtu ke minggu gue BT terus"an, sudah saatnya melihat at least satu masalah gw dari point of view yang berbeda. TApi cuma mikirin menghadapi tugas-tugas tanpa Dori berat banget rasanya.. huuuuuuuuuuu..

I miss you already Dori..

** Dori adalah notebook Acer travelmate3202 11" gue tercinta.. >> baca postingan 16 maret '06

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Her Royal Highness ME

i have this obsession with fairy tales..
it's been going all my life but it's been rather difficult to supress recently.

As a child i used to think i'm Cinderella or other Princess characters.
My mom was never easy to me, so i like to think of her as the stepmother/evil sorceress queen.
When i sulk, i sulk like Cinderella's stepmother. I stand at the corner of the room, fold my arms, curve my mouth, and glare.
When i'm depressed ( yes, as a child i get depressed quite often) i stood by the window (preferably when it's raining) clutching the railings and cry. in my mind i was Rapunzel, locked up high high in a tower in a far faraway land waiting for my prince to rescue me.
And when nightfalls i wait for the magical moment in which i transform to a beautiful princess ready to go dancing at the prince's ball. But my fairy godmother never came..
I also pick my crush accordingly..my first first ever 'love' has the same haircut as the prince in Cinderella. Fortunately i never liked the Princess & the Frog fairy tale. haha

As i grew up the perception fades but i became very interested with old, vintage, antique, feminine pieces and dont forget classical musics.. one of the most anticipated events in my life is my prom nite cuz i get to wear a gown. And i always loveee wearing kebaya encims because i feel like a javanese princess eventhough i fit none of the two categories.. hahah
My Princessy Obsession these days can be seen in how i decorate my room. It's painted pink and light green, filled with cream colored furniture painted adorned with little blue flowers on the edges. i also hang golden framed drawings of flowers on two sides of the room. The windows covered with a sheer white curtain with little golden stars. My dressing table's adorned with a pink glittery wand,and a vera wang 'princess' eau de toilette i use rather religiously. To fulfill my dreaming needs i have this moon shaped lamp and glow in the dark stick on stars all over the ceiling.. i love my room. So much. If i ever go to study abroad i want to bring my room with me. I cannot live without it.

I also have this silly club with my friends, the Feigong Mama club. Feigong mama is korean for crown princess..biasa deh gara-gara Princess' hours.. hohoho

The problem is I'll be twenty in just twenty days more.
I dont think twenty years old girls still think they're princesses anymore, do they??


well right now i'm obsessing that new Ms. Dunst's movie Marie Antoinette..

and this is how the beheaded queen really looked like..

When will it hit theatres in Jakarta???
Can't wait!!!!!!!

dress effect (????)

i saw how you looked at me this morning..

check mate.

du du du du du...

eitssssssss dia udah bisa ternyata

sebel deh.. kemaren" itu kenapa ya???
gue edit dulu deh yg kmaren"..


duuu duuuuu

Friday, November 03, 2006

I Curse Glamorously

I Curse Glamorously

Last Wednesday gw maen ke kantor jurusan Administrasi which is, Jurusan gue. Dan disana kebetulan dosenku si Mba Ichay sedang ngajar bahasa Perancis. Maka berJBlah pengky ,gw dan chichi dengan malu-malu. Hm ya penky sih ya ga pake malu ya, sejak kapan juga dia tau rasa malu,, hohoho..

I kind of reviewed bahasa perancis yang pernah gue pelajarin dulu –which was basic banget-, and also picked up something new yakni:

Je suis Jinitya, et tu.. es cochon!!!

(Baca: Je swi Jinitya, e tu, e kosyong)

That is a very very glamorous way to say

Saya Jinitya dan kamu.. BABI!!!

Don’t you agree??

Kalo mau ngerjain orang suruh aja dia ngomong ini berulang-ulang:

Vous etes magnifique, et moi, et cochon..

(Baca: vuzet magnifik e moa, e kosyong)

Artinya : kamu hebat, sementara saya, babi..

Temen” gue pada tertipu.. dikiranya gue ngomong apaaa gitu yang keren hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!

You’re probably just shaking your head thingking, “ih FREAK”

And i’d say,

” Non, non.. Je suis magnifique.. et vous, es cochon!!!”

Au Revoir!!