Tuesday, November 28, 2006

2's for twenty something

Let's evaluate!
because i'm twenty tomorrow.. so let's see..

Apa sajakah yang sudah gue pelajari setaun ini??
Banyak banget pengalaman-pengalaman baru yang ngajarin gue untuk BERANI.

Berani start something new.
Berani memilih prioritas hidup.
Berani bertanggung jawab atas semua konsekuensi pilihan gue.
Berani bertahan dengan prinsip gw sendiri dalam konflik.
Berani tampil di depan orang banyak meskipun bukan sendirian.
Berani approach orang yang gw suka.
Berani nyetir.
Berani ke tempat jauh (kelapa gading&komdak) by public transportation sendirian.
(lebih) Berani menghadapi konflik.

Masih kurang puas sih..maksudnya gw belum seberani itu juga, but it's a good start.

IP stabil, future planned. mudah"an tercapai (aamiin)

boy0: mystery, simply gone
boy1: happily taken
boy2: unfortunately forbidden
boy3: a gem, a blur
boy4: nice, somehow fake.

I am in favor of boy3, but feels i'm clicking with boy1 best although it was boy2 the nicest of all. I don't want to think of boy4 or boy0 because they're not in my range of options as is boy1 and boy2. hehehehe..

Life overall

Oh dear,It begins with 2 now..

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