Thursday, January 31, 2008

on my mother

you see i have a mother.. (yaiyalah tong! :p)

lately gue merasa i get to see too much of her.. Nyokap gue, apa ya.. kadang" enak juga sih kalo lagi sama dia. orangnya cerewet, banyak cerita, dan jaman"nya gue baru jadian enak ngobrol sama nyokap. karena my boyf's older than me (dan maksud gw bukan cuma 3-4 tahun older) and she kinda fill me in about boys his age, well men. she was really someone i could talk to back then karena it's kinda difficult to talk to my friends about it.

tapi kalo keseringan ketemu, lama-lama.. kasarnya eneg deh..
i go to the gym most mornings with her. and as we all know mornings are every mom's favorite time to yak. on my servant's cooking, my sister running late, etc. and she's always commenting about something about me. either its my big arms, or my yoga moves yang ngga perfect (padahal hell-oo i did so much better the instructor praised me), or the long time i took taking a shower (which is around 15 minutes by the way). this is very very very annoying karena firstly i'm not one who likes to talk or hear someone talk that much. secondly that is lots of negative energy she's spreading and i am keen to keep the positive energy early mornings give me. sometimes i try to reason her pelan-pelan, sometimes agak keras. tapi most of the times i just put my Instant Personal Discommunicator a.k.a ipod on and pretend to be getting such amusements by watching other cars.

if she's not critiquing me then she'd talking about herself. either it's her diet or her most recent hobby: singing -on stage-. trust me this is also annoying. karena after that she'd persuade me (in a highly forceful way) to join her diet or her singing class, OR get this: she'd start practise her singing..
the only time i could stand her is when she's gossipping. -my bad- :p

having a mother could feel so.. burdening sometimes. whilst i'm the one really burdening her.. gue masih numpang, and all my expenses masih ditanggung. which get me to thinking about leaving the house.. bukannya kabur, tapi tinggal sendiri.. ntarlah yaa kalo udah kerja..

gue ngiri sama ade gue yang ngekos.. to be in her own 2 feet. dan yang paling asik kalo udah pulang ke rumah banyak jamuannya dari nyokap hahaha that's why i love travelling alone.. karena kan when you're by yourself you'll get to know yourself best.. that's another story lah ya

my mom sounds kinda bad huh?
i don't worry cause i believe your moms must have that side you hate too.. maybe even worse? hahaha

all and all at the end of the day they're still our moms.. one who must love you and whom you love.. meski kelihatannya ngga begitu and boy is it hard to point what about her you love.
one cannot choose a mother she'd love but one can choose to love her mother (meski saying ini seringkali pengen ditambahin ujungnya 'who doesn't love her back' hahaha)

on my mother

you see i have a mother.. (yaiyalah tong! :p)

lately gue merasa i get to see too much of her.. Nyokap gue, apa ya.. kadang" enak juga sih kalo lagi sama dia. orangnya cerewet, banyak cerita, dan jaman"nya gue baru jadian enak ngobrol sama nyokap. karena my boyf's older than me (dan maksud gw bukan cuma 3-4 tahun older) and she kinda fill me in about boys his age, well men. she was really someone i could talk to back then karena it's kinda difficult to talk to my friends about it.

tapi kalo keseringan ketemu, lama-lama.. kasarnya eneg deh..
i go to the gym most mornings with her. and as we all know mornings are every mom's favorite time to yak. on my servant's cooking, my sister running late, etc. and she's always commenting about something about me. either its my big arms, or my yoga moves yang ngga perfect (padahal hell-oo i did so much better the instructor praised me), or the long time i took taking a shower (which is around 15 minutes by the way). this is very very very annoying karena firstly i'm not one who likes to talk or hear someone talk that much. secondly that is lots of negative energy she's spreading and i am keen to keep the positive energy early mornings give me. sometimes i try to reason her pelan-pelan, sometimes agak keras. tapi most of the times i just put my Instant Personal Discommunicator a.k.a ipod on and pretend to be getting such amusements by watching other cars.

if she's not critiquing me then she'd talking about herself. either it's her diet or her most recent hobby: singing -on stage-. trust me this is also annoying. karena after that she'd persuade me (in a highly forceful way) to join her diet or her singing class, OR get this: she'd start practise her singing..
the only time i could stand her is when she's gossipping. -my bad- :p

having a mother could feel so.. burdening sometimes. whilst i'm the one really burdening her.. gue masih numpang, and all my expenses masih ditanggung. which get me to thinking about leaving the house.. bukannya kabur, tapi tinggal sendiri.. ntarlah yaa kalo udah kerja..

gue ngiri sama ade gue yang ngekos.. to be in her own 2 feet. dan yang paling asik kalo udah pulang ke rumah banyak jamuannya dari nyokap hahaha that's why i love travelling alone.. karena kan when you're by yourself you'll get to know yourself best.. that's another story lah ya

my mom sounds kinda bad huh?
i don't worry cause i believe your moms must have that side you hate too.. maybe even worse? hahaha

all and all at the end of the day they're still our moms.. one who must love you and whom you love.. meski kelihatannya ngga begitu and boy is it hard to point what about her you love.
one cannot choose a mother she'd love but one can choose to love her mother (meski saying ini seringkali pengen ditambahin ujungnya 'who doesn't love her back' hahaha)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

cogito ergo sum

i know a few people whom most of the times or at least these last few years most of the times spent their life feeling miserable..
memang sih i can't say that their life are easy either. tapi it's not THAT miserable, despite of their problems they are lucky, they get chances and blessings that only few people get. And they seem to always dramatize things yang memang udah berat in their life.

whilst i also know some people that despite their difficulties always appear happy and cheerful, and when asked they will always say that they live a happy life. i never suspected before that they have so much drama in their life.

i am a strong believer of the saying "you are what you think you are" or as Descartes puts it (but in a much more philosophical way) "Cogito, Ergo sum" or "i think therefore i am"

i believe that
when you think you are miserable, then you ARE miserable
when you think you are fabolous, then of course you ARE.
or if you are not what you think you are yet, you WILL be.

when i was in high school i always insanely have faith that i will get through SPMB and study in UI, i even rejected ALL submission from other campuses convincing my mom i'd get through. and it did came true.. (untungnya)
i have a friend who thinks she has a dramatic lovelife, well she still has a dramatic lovelife until now.
i used to want a boyfriend who speaks english well, i kinda screened those boys thru their english and my boyfriend now speaks english so much better than i do, sometimes i get nervous :p

yes well, for myself i always try to look at the bright side of things. i like to laugh at my miseries, karena they are funny after you get through it, why not look for it's funny side whle you're at it? i believe that from every difficulties there is challenge and a chance to laugh at and better yourself no matter how small it is. sure i get cranky sometimes but i try to laugh at it at the end of the day. selain itu, when you look at something badly it tends to have a domino effect, you'll look at everything else after it badly too. ya kan?

happy weekend everyone.. :)

oleh-oleh dari bali

Hello! Hello! I am back!!! :D

masih capek niiiihhh :p asik gila di Bali.. lebih karena orang"nya sih ya, dari dulu sih Bali sama sama aja.. ternyata perginya jadi berdelapan! Lila tiba" bisa ikut meskipun pulangnya duluan.

Lucky us girls cowo"nya semua suka fotografi, bahkan ditpe bawa kamera SLR digital dan kamera bawah air hahaha berasa kaya model deh jalan-jalannya foto fotooo mulu.. we went to GWK, tanah lot, waterbom, scooted around kuta, legian, dan tentunya blanja blanja di poppies dan legian.

one thing yang jadi pelajaran: super ngga mau lagi gue minum kebanyakan! yak sodara sodari setelah sekian lama akhirnya kawan anda ini merasakan yang namanya mabuk. tepat di usia ke21 jadi legal lah ya hehe., well ngga penting, intinya kapok deh gue.. hangovernya itu lhoo.. eeww sampe eneg ngeliat botol :p

untungnya temen" gue super baik semuanya jadi ngga dikerja"in, although tentunya ya tetep diledekin besok paginya.. ahahahaha somehow gue agak ngerasa kaya ini liburan penutupan,jadi emang sepatutnya pol-polan hehe.. karena dari sini we'll be going ahead dengan hidup masing" lagi.. some of us are going to study or work abroad, dan tahun ini kan insya Allah yang lain lulus kuliah semua dan rasanya itu berarti semua akan makin sibuk aja sama urusan masing"..

so very lucky to have them and those moments lah.. :))

Thursday, January 17, 2008

super excited!!!!

Hari ini berangkat ke Baliii!!!!! yeaaaaa!!!!

swimsuit - check!
sunglasses - check!
shorts - check!
sundresses - check!
sunblock - check!
tanning oil - check!
sandals - check!
sleeping bag and pillows - check!

lho kok sleeping bag? karena well get this: the 7 of us will be staying in 1 hotel room!
that's me, dedes, ibonk, Ditpe, wendy,bule and supersize maul.. yah 8 orang deh kalo gitu itungannya haha..
dan untuk menjaga privacy, keamanan tidur serta menenangkan hati abang yang takut pacarnya 'keserempet' gue udah siap dengan sleeping bag. tapi tentu dengan harapan gue dan cewe" tetep tidur di kasur dan sleeping bagnya dipake cowo" aja hahahahaha

ah pasti seru abis! sudah lama ga pergi sama temen" SMA gila ku ini.. apalagi cowonya yang caur caur dan cukup dekat jadi nyaman pergi sama mereka. dan pastinya tim bodoh deh..

am gonna be crossing my parents' basic behavioral rules!
sekamar sama cowo", memakai baju mini (tapi yang ini sih mrk tau), naek motor (probably), alcohol and maybe even smoke. tapi yang terakhir ini sangat ingin gue hindari.. so for those of you who read this please dont tell until i'm home.. (Jivi! Jilly!)

I'm jetting off!
cant wait! cant wait!


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

menunggu abang

halah judulnyaaa hahaha harusnya skalian aja ditambahin 'dari perantauan' ahhaha

iya nihhhhh menyebalkan..
Sepertinya sebulan ini akan sulit bertemu dengan abang.. soalnya kita berdua pergi ke luar kota, ngga barengan tentunya. weekend kemaren udah ngga barengan soalnya he went to Makassar tuh, tapi tadi udah pulang dan hopefully setelah sholat maghrib langsung cabut ke rumah gue hehehe.. terusnya lusa gue ke Bali, baru pulang selasa. Dan ada kemungkinan hari selasa itu si Abang pergi ke Jogja.. teteetttoweet.. abang bilang:

"kita kaya pasangan suami istri yang di sinetron ya yang dua"nya sibuk terus rumah tangganya terbengkalai"


emang sih jadi ribet.. pulsa telfon mahal pula.. tapi ngga apa" juga sih, i'm not complaining. alhamdulillah teman"ku banyak dan lincah-lincah jadi banyak yang nemenin huehehe

yes, well, risiko dating with older guys..

dan lusa aku ke Baliiiiiii! BALI BABY!!!

packed my shorts, swimsuit, sunblock and tanning lotion already!!!!! :D

Thursday, January 03, 2008

resolutions 2008

1. bergelar S1!!!!!
2. bergelar S1
3. bergelar S1
4. dapet kerjaan dengan gaji diatas 2 juta. (AAAMEEEN)
5. melaksanakan rencana rahasia -yang sebetulnya ngga rahasia amat-
6. belajar masak, bisa masak at leat 10 dishes! :p
7. shalat 5 waktu
8. bayar puasa
9. Hidup sehat

yah segitu dulu deh ntar lanjut lagi ya.. kok makin lama makin ble'e huahahahahha


1. First thing you did in 2008?
. berembuk dengan pacar if it is new year already or 5 minutes too early

2. Who were you with?
. abang

3. What were you wearing in first
moments of 08?
. bright blue dress, elephant necklace, barefooted

4. First thought?
. Happy birthday abang!

5. Single or taken?
. taken! :D (ketauan bedh lama menjomblo)

6. What was keeping you awake?
. the super merry people in my house

7. what is the best thiing in 08 so
. spending my days with abang

8. First place to sleep?
. my own bed

9. First person to talk to?
. abang

10. First person to hug ?
. abang (capek deh)

11. What were you listening to?
. all buzz and fuss my sisters' friends were making

12. Is your phone charged?
. yes

13. Do you prefer chocolate or milk?
. chocolate

14. Do you have nail polish on your
. no, but i buff them always

15. Are you wearing pants?
. on the eve, no

17. Can you surf in 08?
. kagak

18. First movie to watch?
. the year my parents went on vacation

20. First person on the phone to?
. marcya

21. Have you seen a ranga this year?
. what is ranga ?!

22. Place stayed first in 2008?
. belum nginep kemana"

23. Closest thing to you that is
. the black bali shirt chichi just gave me

24. Favourite thing firstly in 08?
. selimut pesawat yang selalu ada di mobil abang

25. Have you seen fluro so far in 08?
. fluro?1?!

26. What colour was the sky first in
. dark with fireworks