Saturday, January 26, 2008

cogito ergo sum

i know a few people whom most of the times or at least these last few years most of the times spent their life feeling miserable..
memang sih i can't say that their life are easy either. tapi it's not THAT miserable, despite of their problems they are lucky, they get chances and blessings that only few people get. And they seem to always dramatize things yang memang udah berat in their life.

whilst i also know some people that despite their difficulties always appear happy and cheerful, and when asked they will always say that they live a happy life. i never suspected before that they have so much drama in their life.

i am a strong believer of the saying "you are what you think you are" or as Descartes puts it (but in a much more philosophical way) "Cogito, Ergo sum" or "i think therefore i am"

i believe that
when you think you are miserable, then you ARE miserable
when you think you are fabolous, then of course you ARE.
or if you are not what you think you are yet, you WILL be.

when i was in high school i always insanely have faith that i will get through SPMB and study in UI, i even rejected ALL submission from other campuses convincing my mom i'd get through. and it did came true.. (untungnya)
i have a friend who thinks she has a dramatic lovelife, well she still has a dramatic lovelife until now.
i used to want a boyfriend who speaks english well, i kinda screened those boys thru their english and my boyfriend now speaks english so much better than i do, sometimes i get nervous :p

yes well, for myself i always try to look at the bright side of things. i like to laugh at my miseries, karena they are funny after you get through it, why not look for it's funny side whle you're at it? i believe that from every difficulties there is challenge and a chance to laugh at and better yourself no matter how small it is. sure i get cranky sometimes but i try to laugh at it at the end of the day. selain itu, when you look at something badly it tends to have a domino effect, you'll look at everything else after it badly too. ya kan?

happy weekend everyone.. :)

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