Tuesday, March 20, 2007

stupid mistake

I told him to 'call me sometime'..

What the Hell???!!!

anyway, the trip got better..
I'm meeting my bestfriend Indah there!! And it's tomorrow!!


See you!!!

Saturday, March 17, 2007


I just discovered this :

Singapore Fashion Festival 2007
Event Dates : 23rd Mar 2007 to
1st Apr 2007
Venue: : Tent @ Ngee Ann City, Orchard Road


capek tidur ya..

Dua hari belakangan ini lagi-lagi tidur cuma bikin gue makin capek. Dua hari ini mimpi lari-lari, semalem dikejar orang jepang pake baju kimono trus mau manah gue gitu deh.. aneh abis.. trus dia bilang "bangsa kalian orang Indonesia selalu kalah, jadi kamu tidak boleh menang"

Yaelaaaaahhh... cape deh..

yah untungnya last night's dream involved a kiss with a certain someone hahahahahahahaha! ya ampyuuuuunnn..

i should try to get some fun things to do.. waktu itu juga kan gw sulit tidur enak gara" banyal pikiran..

kamis kmaren chichi's dad passed away. Jadi kamis sore-malem dan seharian kmaren gw ada disana. it's quite depressing..meski bukan gue yang kena musibah. But the least i can do is trying to be there for her right? ntar malem jg akan tahlilan nih..
Last week i was disappointed karena ga jadi ke Bali for this long weekend. with the garuda crash, and my mom was ill. Tapi ternyata memang lebih baik gw di jakarta yah..

i should spend this long (long) weekend to study since i'll be going to s'pore next wednesday! yippeee!!! tapi pulang" langsung uts hahahahahaha..

Friday, March 09, 2007

ah, interesting..

found this while i was googling for interesting picture for the market research workshop print ad. it says that more and more women in the US don't agree with abortion. wow. i thought they love aborting (eww..) secara kayaknya hobi bener ML kanan kiri kalo di TV ya kan? Sex and the City makes me sick.. is it the series or am i not supposed to see it three episodes in a row?

Anyway, i have to be Thankfull. The 'constructing' of the forementioned workshop has been going well.! ;D no difficulties yet, and i hope none will come. Untuk pertama kalinya gw menjadi seorang ketua panitia! hahahahaha a bit scared and confused ( terutama tentang ngurusin izin" acara secara selama ini slalu kerja di bag. dana atau publikasi) which is one of the factors why i chose to work in a team of 5 people saja.. hahahaha..dan dengan orang" yang mudah gw temui setiap hari..hahahaha..

Well, boleh dong berstrategi :p

I'm sure the workshop will be very interesting since it's a WORKSHOP (i.e you get into teams, work something out and then present it) and not a SEMINAR (you sit and listen,listen,listen, listen and.. have i mentioned listen?). Bisos is cooperating with Research International, an international (d'uh) research agency and through this event they're also headhunting which means ladies and gentlemen : all the participants will have a chance to be selected to intern there!! (i wanna.. i wanna..!!) Hopefully this and the fact that it's strictly limited to 40 ppl only will be the bait..hohoho!

None of this could happen without the help of mas Aldi our dear alumni though.. he approched bisos offering this opportunity! yeaaaa!!

I think i should write the blog more to feel happy hahahahaha.

unfortunately there's more stories, which is rather sad.
beberapa temanku sedang bersedih ni, karena ayah mereka sedang sakit yang berat dan dirawat di RS..

ga jadi cerita deh, ga enak.. besok gw dan teman" berencana tour de RS untuk membesuk.. mudah"an mereka di beri ketabahan dan jalan keluar.. aamiin..

My mom's ill also tapi cuma bedrest aja sih. I had to rush her to the clinic earlier today and.. she's calling right now..heheh


Wednesday, March 07, 2007

20 going on 14


Hari ini gw benar benar merasa seperti anak SMP.
Bagian dimana lo diam diam menyukai seseorang, menyembunyikannya, lalu hal hal kecil ngga penting antara lo berdua jadinya terlalu penting bwt lo.

It's pathetic.

And i'm 20 for gods'sake!!!

Mana ni kecanggihan hubungan anak kuliahan?? Yang konon penuh keterbukaan dan ke(terlalu)jujuran.

Kata kiting :
Lo memang harus sabar Bo ngadepin orang kaya dia..

you see, he's not your average ordinary guy.. at least not for me, i've never met anyone quite like him (i'm not in the mood to point out his good qualities --).

nasihat selanjutnya dari kiting lebih masuk akal :
Mending sekarang lo cari yang laen dulu aja Bo..

but i have..
