Thursday, January 31, 2008

on my mother

you see i have a mother.. (yaiyalah tong! :p)

lately gue merasa i get to see too much of her.. Nyokap gue, apa ya.. kadang" enak juga sih kalo lagi sama dia. orangnya cerewet, banyak cerita, dan jaman"nya gue baru jadian enak ngobrol sama nyokap. karena my boyf's older than me (dan maksud gw bukan cuma 3-4 tahun older) and she kinda fill me in about boys his age, well men. she was really someone i could talk to back then karena it's kinda difficult to talk to my friends about it.

tapi kalo keseringan ketemu, lama-lama.. kasarnya eneg deh..
i go to the gym most mornings with her. and as we all know mornings are every mom's favorite time to yak. on my servant's cooking, my sister running late, etc. and she's always commenting about something about me. either its my big arms, or my yoga moves yang ngga perfect (padahal hell-oo i did so much better the instructor praised me), or the long time i took taking a shower (which is around 15 minutes by the way). this is very very very annoying karena firstly i'm not one who likes to talk or hear someone talk that much. secondly that is lots of negative energy she's spreading and i am keen to keep the positive energy early mornings give me. sometimes i try to reason her pelan-pelan, sometimes agak keras. tapi most of the times i just put my Instant Personal Discommunicator a.k.a ipod on and pretend to be getting such amusements by watching other cars.

if she's not critiquing me then she'd talking about herself. either it's her diet or her most recent hobby: singing -on stage-. trust me this is also annoying. karena after that she'd persuade me (in a highly forceful way) to join her diet or her singing class, OR get this: she'd start practise her singing..
the only time i could stand her is when she's gossipping. -my bad- :p

having a mother could feel so.. burdening sometimes. whilst i'm the one really burdening her.. gue masih numpang, and all my expenses masih ditanggung. which get me to thinking about leaving the house.. bukannya kabur, tapi tinggal sendiri.. ntarlah yaa kalo udah kerja..

gue ngiri sama ade gue yang ngekos.. to be in her own 2 feet. dan yang paling asik kalo udah pulang ke rumah banyak jamuannya dari nyokap hahaha that's why i love travelling alone.. karena kan when you're by yourself you'll get to know yourself best.. that's another story lah ya

my mom sounds kinda bad huh?
i don't worry cause i believe your moms must have that side you hate too.. maybe even worse? hahaha

all and all at the end of the day they're still our moms.. one who must love you and whom you love.. meski kelihatannya ngga begitu and boy is it hard to point what about her you love.
one cannot choose a mother she'd love but one can choose to love her mother (meski saying ini seringkali pengen ditambahin ujungnya 'who doesn't love her back' hahaha)

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