Monday, June 11, 2007

2nd, 3rd, 4th opinion

mm,, jadi ceritanya gw lagi deket sama sesorang akhir" ini. Akhir" ini meaning as long as i can remember hahaha *lebai*
anyway this thing that's going on (or not going on) between us two is getting old, OLD -caps lock-. it's stressful sometimes. misalnya, sekarang ini. I am easily stressed out with these issues because i just can't cope with having some sort of dependency to someone soalnya gw ini konservatif bgt meaning i will not act on it. Akibatnya gw merasa stuck and The only way i vent out is through my friends. and, here are some of the responses

ex boyfriend : yaudah kamu bilang aja sama dia 'sebenernya ini semua mau dibawa ke mana sih?'
gw : buset! emang aku udah gila apa???? emang lo?? haha

good friend #1 (boy) : udahlah ji.. ngapain sih lo tungguin terus! lo kan sudah berbaik hati berani memberi sinyal" balasan. Dia juga pasti ngerti kok. kalo dia emang masih pengecut gitu yaudahlahh ngapain sih?
gw : uhh... gitu ya? *hiksss*

good friend #2 (boy) : (yaudah kan) the good things come along with the bad things. Seriously ini cowo nih beda ga jelas maunya apa. separo-separo.
gw : jadi maksudnya apa??

uhh.. menyebalkan deh pokoknya!


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