Saturday, August 11, 2007


my grandfather's birthday's coming up soon. And my aunt said there've been offers from his (oooooold) lady friends to provide food for the luncheon he'll be throwing. He also has this fan in the u.s An old widow who calls often at least once every 3 days and send him books and food supplements. At 79, my grandfather is a famed widower. Adored and chased in an old widowy manner by the women. Even my late grandmum's friends flirt with him.

He's probably the most loving man i've ever known. He's a hardworker and a silent philosopher. Most of his time spent reading and writing down his thoughts, mainly on economics, politics and foreign affairs. Although he was never in politics he was quite influential back in the 70s-i suppose seeing that he was an ambassador for UK. He was never pompouos or arrogantly authoritative to people, even those who showed him servitude. I myself had not realized the grandeur of his career until in highschool i found a friend who adored him so much and named some of his accomplishments, of which i don't have a clue. I've only thought it's bizarre how everyone seemed to know or heard of him, and seem to adore him too.

For me, he's just my dear ol' granddad and that fact made me overlook everything else. For me he's this big and tall man, my father's father. Who taught me how to select books and pens and notebooks even before my mum taught me how to pick clothes. Who taught me there are things beyond measure i can achieve with dedicated effort. Who taught me to care for the unfortunates and give generosity to every being. Whose love to my grandmum was as big as the world itself, as dynamic nevertheless unmoved as it spins on it's orbit. Who never said much beyond the caress on my head he so oftenly gave me, and an adoring gaze which preceded the 'i love you' he said as i clasped his chest like a baby koala to it's mother.

For me, he's simply my grandfather, whom i love, loves me and taught me how to love.

On my 17th birthday, he wrote to me:

Dearest Jinitya,
there are three types of lovers:
One, who love themseleves
Two, whose love changes with the season; and
Three, Whose love, love others too, and someone who you love forever
third is the noblest.

With Love,

He's describing himself in that third lover, and since i was little i have set the standard for the man whom i'd love and spend my entire life with, that is to be like my grandfather.

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