Wednesday, November 19, 2008

halo apa kabar?


it's been more than a month since i last posted ya? (picnic dresses not included)

since then i have started working in L'oreal! this is my second month..
have shopped my first salary through and through.. the first item i bough was a very pretty black zara 10cm paltform heels! which i love sooo much.. my legs look gorgeous in them, a certain guy told me i looked really sexy in them but sadly i still havent recovered the toe numbing effect (!!).

I also
just got through the worst break down ever and by worst i mean NORAKest ever..

you see, i live in the southern part of jakarta, a.k.a ciganjur.. i always go to schools in south jakarta, and when i started college di UI it's only like 30 minutes from home. and even on weekends the furthest place i go is plaza senayan which takes an hour tops and i never drive there. So, needless to say i hardly ever got stuck in a traffic jam, and even if so either : I'm not the one driving and/or i'm with my friends.

Since i started working i had to commute ciganjur-kuningan, every day, and it takes me like 1.5 hours, and alone. ALONE. alone i had to take on all those wretched buses, angkots, and goddamn motorcycles. so last friday, i litterally cried in the car. I CRIED. NANGIS. malu sih..

tapi tau ngga? bukan cuma gue yang pernah (pernah lho bukan suka) nangis kalo kena macet! my friends too. ditambah PMS.. makin snsitif gila. I felt like screaming! kenapa siih semua bus itu ngalangin jalan gue! kenapa sih motornya jahat semua??? kenapa sih pada ga mau ngasi jalan?? I just want to get to work! fuckers!!!

yeaa it's true when they say traffic's a bitch..

tapi gue udah survey.. it's better berangkat jam 8.30 dari pada jam 8 APALAGI jam 7.30. that's the worst time, bisa 2 jam baru sampe. And it's better lewat mampang on friday because the street's e.m.p.t.y!

next week i'll be surveying the transjakarta.. save on money and energy.. i might convert soon.. bawa mobil kalo mau pergi pergi aja lah..

ya ngga? ;)

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