Wednesday, November 23, 2005


carousel.. romantis ga sih?? not really yah

It's a bit odd. Tapi since i was little i am somehow very attached to it. Kalo lagi ke dufan, bahkan sampe di umur gue yang hampir sembilanbelas ini, i insist gue mesti naek carousel. Waloupun temen" gue uda pada males. karna skRg ud gede sekali naik aja cukup, tapi waktu gue kecil bisa" dua jam sendiri main carousel. Malah kata nyokap pernah dulu gue nangis" ga mau tidur pengen naik carousel, and they really took me to dufan just to take a ride! Gue juga inget dulu pernah ngerengek" minta naik carousel ke dufan, tapi bokap gue gamau karna ud kemaleman, trus gue tonjok alat vitalnya ahahhahahahahaha! yahh namanya juga anak kecil kan ga ngerti ahahahahhaha intinya sampe skarang kalo ada carousel malem" pake lampu" gtu pasti gue minta naek.

And it's deeper than just a ride. The sensation of looking around,the wind, outside the carousel seemed so dark and riding it you feel radiant, bright and warm bursting with all those lights and bright colours. On it, you can observe people too, and see from a different perspective, and no one can touch you, you're going fast! there's also something about the music. Musik khas carousel lagu" sirkus akordion ditambah bunyi ngik" gesekan besi yang gerakin kuda" itu turun naik maju mundur in a circular line. It's like a separated world where imagination reigns over reality.


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