Sunday, February 17, 2008

theirs and ours

kemarin ke the edge kemang sama abang. awalnya mau nonton jumper, telat 1/2 jam, terus ke cafe aksara kemang lagi di renov, kecewa kamipun mencari penghiburan ke the edge. waktu nyampe disitu ternyata all but two of the tables are already reserved.

"weekend sih mas.." kata waiternya..
"valentine weekend" i said.

being a researcher abang observes the place (he just can't leave his profession behind can't he? men..) dan melaporkan situasi ke gue. "anak kecil semua babe.." forgetting that i might still be in the category.. -which is good, that he forgets- lalu datanglah sepasang muda mudi, yang cewe pakai dress merah dan cardigan, carrying a bouquet. cowonya pake jas kegedean trying hard to impress her. they must've been only 15 or 16. terus kita komentar"in gitu, juga pasangan" lain yang lagi pada makan candlelight dinner. cewe"nya rapi-rapi pakai dress dan cowonya juga rapi" probably sambil deg-degan ngeliat harga yang ada di menu. beda banget sama kita berdua.

super nyantai pake jins, duduk di bar instead of the candlelit tables, drinking before dinner (we were gong to my dad's birthday afterwards). unromantic and totally comfortable. haha of course i'd love it abang comes bringing me roses or chocolates or those other sweet sweet cheesy stuff. tapi i love the talks we have everynight before bed or our lazy couch potato weekends already. the simple things we share everyday. and i'd rather not have the cheesy momentarily stuff daripada ngga punya semua itu.

kalo kata abang:
"kalo kita everyday is valentine's day kan babe?"
"iya dooong!" :D

(blogging twice a day.. ketauan banget ngga ada kerjaannya.. hueehhehe)

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