Monday, March 31, 2008

galleries and museums

this morning i browsed some websites and found good ones (, and salah satu artikelnya featured this gril lucy, an indonesian who lives in newcastle, she's a graphic designer and i clicked to read her blog which is sadly on hiatus. anyways there were a lot of beautiful pictures and photos, and a story about her visit to tate modern.

NGIRI banget!!!
i sometimes regret not taking the science major on high school, i was so stubborn to take the social major. Padahal my merits were more than enough to take science but i decided it would be a good time to rebel against my mom who wanted me to be a doctor real badly. it was too late when i realised that a science major is required to enroll to jurusan arsitektur. gue selalu mikir ngambil jurusan IPA ngga ada masa depannya buat gue. since i dont think i could ever be a doctor, dan jurusan" IPA lainnya is super duper tak menarik buat gue. kalo gue mau belajar marketing in the end buat apa toh susah susah belajar IPA? gue lupa bahwa on the list of jurusan" itu ada jurusan arsitektur. i was like, "oh iya.. ya.."

anyways the point is i wish i had surrounded my life with more beauty. i wish i live someplace where i could get to museums and galleries easily. that's why i love europe so so so much. well, London and Paris lah ya, secara cuma dua kota itu yang pernah gue datengi. especially Paris. Living in Paris would be like living in a museum. you need to only step out of your home and everywhere are century old buildings and gardens with beautiful statues and fountains. and there's musee d'orsay! aduuuhhh.. super dehh.. really i'd LIVE in musee d'orsay. surrounded with all those paintings!

Whilst living in london would be like living in a fashion show. it's bursting with energy and modernity, the people are stylish too in a more grungy street way. they've also got beautiful modern structures and galleries and museums.. waktu ke London gue ga sempet ke Tate, V&A, and natural history, padahal i wanted to so much.

kayanya masih lama Jakarta bisa kaya gitu.. soalnya according to MAslow's hierarchy of needs pyramid, this need of aesthetical ini termasuk ke 'self actualization' yang adanya is on top of the pyramid. sementara di jakarta ini needs yang di bawahnya nya aja belum bisa terpenuhi yaitu 'security' sama 'esteem'. kalo security in ya jelas ya keamanan.. lalu kalau esteem ini bisa diprovide ke warga jakarta dengan memberikan public places yang nyaman, aman, dan GRATIS. karena esteem ini bisa didapet by interacting and engaging in activities with others. ngga seperti sekarang ini dimana safety dan esteem ini kita mesti BELI. ya kan? kalau mau rumah aman ya employ satpam buat jagain rumah loe. itu juga belum tentu bisa jadi jaminan. mau ketemu orang", ke mall misalnya ya mesti punya uang. ada memang public spaces yang terjangkau tapi sedikit dan jauh dari pemukiman, mungkin in terms of miles ngga jauh" banget, tapi kan jakarta trafficnya gila..

beberapa hari yang lalu gue di pretest-in kuesioner skripsinya temen gue dan salah satu pertanyaannya itu:
"apakah anda akan menjadi warga jakarta 5-10 tahun ke depan?" on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 untuk sangat tidak setuju dan 5 untuk sangat setuju.
jawab gue : yaaa mudah-mudahan sih ngga..

emang sih katanya sebagai warga jakarta kita sendiri yang harus membangun jakarta.. tapi sometimes i think it's beyond repair. bukan gedung", tata kotanya yang beyond repair tapi otak dan hati nurani orang" Pemda itu yang beyond repair. those fuckin greedy son of bitches..

sorry to be so offensive but everyone must agree with me.. ya ngga? ;)

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