Wednesday, May 07, 2008

i want to be a domestic goddess

this is currently my latest obsession heeheehee

semua berawal karena sejak di rumah gue masang indovision mata gue ngga pernah jauh-jauh dari channel discovery travel and living, dari acara globe trekker, passport to europe, jamie olivers' cooking shows and my ever favourite : nigella express!!

lately gue jadi suka masak-masak..
yes dear friends and relatives i can cook now ahahahahaha

there's something 'strangely therapeutic' -as nigella puts it- in cooking, i find it especially in crushing a garlic, chopping it and watching it cooked in oil. it's true! so far i've cooked pasta with pesto sauce, a simple dinner of pok chay and aceh omelette 'asam sunti'. and also the most successful of all.. Lasagna!!

the lasagna has been approved by my sister, my dad, (they wanted 3rd helpings) my dear friend chichi and my ever munching boyfriend.. ahahhaha and please note : I DID NOT RECEIVE ANY HELP FROM MY MOM. she's been out of town and just got back last night. (and she brought me cookbooks! hueheuhe)

and so yes, i am very proud of myself! hee hee hee..

and i am quite obsessed with nigella lawson.. she makes cooking looks easy and relaxing and really really sexy. and she has this great british accent. i watch her show taking notes of the recipes, drooling, and crossing my heart and hoping to turn into something like her in a few years haahhaha

weekend kemarin karena gue sakit, gue dan abang nonton tv aja di rumah, terus dia pamitan mau pulang pas kita lagi nontonnya channel discovery t&l. he hugged me and said ' see you in a bit my Kat'. he was referring to Kat von D of LA Ink, his favourite show. and i sulked, 'nooo i want to be nigella.. Kat can't cook!' haha

that's a bit stupid ain't it? but i am determined :
i SHALL be a domestic goddess!!!!!! :D

anyways, this is Nigella Lawson and Kat von D..
oh dear, the differences of men and women's mind..

1 comment:

Christa said...

huahauhaua nigella VS kat??