Sunday, July 20, 2008

silent sighs..

my boyfriend and i have been in this relationship for almost a year now. it's been wonderful, passionate, completing.. practically everything i have been looking for. tapi gue juga merasa semakin lama more and more attached to him.. i think it's normal and considering it's him i feel attached to it's alright. He's a great guy, and we are serious about this.

tapi you can never be too sure about anything kan? anything might happen along the way, even a perfect gentleman kan turn into a jekyll and a lady could easily be a tramp. all our hopes and dreams and all the plans we have bisa aja gagal atau bagaimana. and if it does,-god forbid- will i have anything to stand on? it's frightening.

sepertinya memang ini the lesson to learn by loving and being loved. To let a part of you attached but at the same time keeping a part of it to yourself, and only yourself. Because i believe no one can love you more than your very own self. and the only one that will absolutely stick with you through thick and thin is you. just you. that's frightening too.

despite all the friends you laughed with or the number of men you loved it comes down to you. just you. tough luck huh? :)

i have been so used to that before him. and then come this man.. with a bedtime phonecall i call home and who's embrace i wish i'd melt in everytime, who's been cushioning my fall eversince..

and not once he ever raise his voice to me. see? it's just too much.

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