Tuesday, August 19, 2008

burning down.. burning down..

this occurred just 5 minutes ago

I was sitting, browsing with my laptop when my mom suddenly came out of her room.

Mom: Teh liat tuh teh diskusi politik.. jangan kamu kutak katik komputer aja itu.. Negara kamu lagi hancur ini..

well, all the more reason not to watch rite?

she wanted me to care more about politics. and possibly even try to be a legislate to try to change the state of it..


firstly, i am not rich. therefore i dont have enough money to buy a seat di DPR
secondly, i have sinned enough in this 21 years in my life i do not want to add more to it by becoming a legislate.. amit amit..

call it apathy, pessimistic.. both are right. i try to give the least damn of what's happening in our country's politics and am not going to participate in it because i don't think anything can be fixed anymore with the rate it is in right now. The change's moving too f-ing slow.

Really, we should all flee this country.

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