Friday, June 08, 2007


bbrp hari ini gw kembali berhubungan dengan seorang teman. Gw memang ga kenal dia deket bgt, i've only met her once, but she's an ex of my best friends' so we kinda know each other well enough.
anyway she;s getting married in a couple of weeks!! wuiiii hihihi dengan pacarnya yang baru beberapa bulan ini. And he proposed after only 2 weeks since they officially start dating! Upon her posting her prewed pics di friendster, mulailah kami berkirim surat elektronik, hahaha

Dengan penasarannya gw tanyalah ke dia apa yang membuat dia berani,dll. Lalu jawabnya :

pas gue 2 minggu pacaran, dia ngomong k gue kalo dia udh yakin sm gue, he has faith in me, and would want to raise kids with me.. i realized at that very moment that he's the one.. gatau kenapa gue senenggg bgt pas dia ngomong gt, i also feel the same way about him, i'm so sure that he'd make a good and responsible husband and father.

isn't that CRAZY? which makes it veeeery romantic at the same time *sigh*

gue jadi ngiri sama dia. selain karena dia udah nemu pendamping hidup,Gw memang lagi ngiri sama orang" yang hidupnya lagi mengalami twists and turns. Yang mau nikahkah, baru luluskah, punya pacar baru, or any drastic change in their lives. Karena those changes although scary gives you a good shot of adrenaline to keep you feel alive and kicks you out of your comfort zone, so you'll know yourself better..

I'm sure that friend of mine's living a very exciting life right now.. ;D

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